"Rising stars" poster session, 6:00 PM, Thursday 23 May
Halima Giovanna Ahmad:
Tuning of magnetic activity in spin-filter Josephson junctions towards spin triplet transport
Morten Amundsen:
Vortex simulation with the Usadel equation
Alexander Backs:
Universal behavior of the transition to the intermediate mixed state in the type-II/1 superconductor niobium
Sylvain Blanco Alvarez:
Statistics of thermomagnetic breakdown in Nb superconducting films
Ievgenii Borodianskyi:
Josephson emission from Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+δ mesa structures
Loïc Burger:
Numerical investigation of critical states in superposed superconducting films
Qihong Chen:
Transport at the superconductor-normal junction in ionic gated MoS2
Wilmer Yecid Córdoba Camacho:
Quasi-one-dimensional vortex matter in superconducting nanowires
Maria D'Antuono:
Ferromagnetic and superconducting oxides 2DEG systems
Raí de Menezes:
Manipulation of magnetic skyrmions in chiral ferromagnetic and superconducting heterostructures
Marek Foltyn:
Flipping coin experiment for studying switching in Josephson junctions and superconducting wires
Jesus Gonzalez:
Modulaton of the superconducting properties of an ultrathin Pb island
Olena Kapran:
S/F/S Josephson junctions with a strongly ferromagnetic Ni barrier
Ahmed Kenawy:
Phase slips in voltage-biased superconducting rings
Zefeng Lin:
An investigation on superconductivity of FeSe coated Nb structure
Pablo Orus:
Vortex transport in superconducting W-C nanostructures
Ritika Pangothra:
Magnetic field induced 2D to 1D crossover in SNS Josephson junction arrays as revealed by mutual phase locking
Antonine Rochet:
Optical generation of single vortex/anti-vortex pairs in superconducting films
Victor Rollano:
Rectified superconducting vortex motion topologically protected by spin-ince nanomagnets
Daniele Torsello:
Transition from s ± to s ++ order parameter driven by disorder in Iron Based Superconductors
Albert Varonov:
Determination of effective Cooper pair mass by electrostatic doping of fluxoids of superconductor surface. Theory
Irene Zhang:
Imaging anisotropic vortex pinning in FeSe